Terms and Conditions
Services and treatments to clients are provided by BeauLine Aesthetics or its employees. BeauLine Aesthetics is a trading name that belongs to Marina Gurevych.
All services and treatments are provided solely in the offices and premises of BeauLine Aesthetics. Unfortunately due to the complex nature of treatments it is impossible to provide such services at the client’s home, office, or any other location.
Access to the offices and premises of BeauLine Aesthetics is by appointment / invitation only.
Booking is done over the phone, text chat, social media chat, or email. Booking is done according to the “first come first serve” principle. Booking fee is payable in order to create a booking for any client; the amount of the booking fee depends on the treatment booked. Please kindly note we are unable to keep certain appointment time marked as “booked” without a booking fee.
As a client you have the right to cancel your appointment. Please kindly note the booking fee is not refundable and will not be returned to you in case of cancellation.
The rest of the fees that have been paid for the cancelled appointment will be refunded in case the cancellation happens no later than 2 business days before the appointment.
In a very unlikely case the cancellation is initiated by BeauLine Aesthetics (could happen due to staff illness, for example) the client will be refunded both their booking fee and any other fees paid.
We welcome children into our reception area.
However please kindly note due to the delicate nature of our treatments, another adult will need to come and supervise your child during the treatment. We can not let children into the treatment rooms under any circumstances due to health and safety concerns.
Due to the nature of most of our treatments, the results achieved are often irrevocable.
At BeauLine Aesthetics we will ensure that you’re fully informed about the treatments, preparations to treatments, and after care procedures that must be carried out by the clients themselves in comfort of their homes.
As a client you will be asked to confirm your desire to be treated a number of times, and will need to sign a consent as well.
We will ensure that you’re fully satisfied with the suggested changes in look and feel before we proceed. However in case you change your mind after the procedure we will, unfortunately, not be able to revoke the changes or provide any refund. We are counting on your understanding.